The Atari Compendium
The Atari Compendium (Toad Computers) (1994).iso
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Text File
857 lines
Updated to : v1.12
No body likes the GEM Desktop ,and over the time many
programs have appeared which either completely replace the GEM
Desktop or tries to enhance some parts of it. But the normal GEM
Show/Print/Cancel ( or Visa/Skriv/Avbryt ! ) routine remains there.
There are many file viewers around but most of them runs as
normal programs which means loading of them each time you want to
view a file. And if you only have floppy drives then you have to wait
a long time while the program loads itself.
But now SuperView comes to the rescue. Super View sits
permanently in the memory and replaces the Show/Print/Cancel. You can
also call it up from within any GEM program by using the supplided
Accal SV accessory, or even as a stand-alone program by using D_CALL.
--------------------- S u p e r V i e w 's features -----------------
- up to 9 files in memory at once
- replays sample files (STE support)
- displays NEOchrome,Deags(Elite) and Spectrum 512 pics
- decompacts Pack-Ice v2.4 packed files
- displays ST fonts (A1/A2) files
- support for large screens
- support for 1ST Word & Protext WP files
- up to 10 markers
- search forward/backward/research options
- up to 9 pre-defined search strings
- intelligent mouse scrolling
- swap between low/med res
- hex-mode converting
- info-lines
- goto start/middle or end of file
- prints files to parallel/serial/MIDI and parallel(direct)
- view files in either 8x8 or 8x16 fonts
- virus checker
- no need to load the program each time ,just copy it to the
AUTO folder
- replaces Show/Print/Cancel (not fully on TOS 2+)
- .. . and lots more ,uses only 33 K!
Quite simply the best file viewer ever written for the ST!
Once you've used it ,you'll never gonna go back to the Show/Print/Cancel!
On the disk you should find these files :
SUPRVIEW.PRG the main program
SUPR_JNR.PRG the Junior version of SuperView
CONFIG.PRG the configuration program
READ_ME.1ST you have read it ,haven't you?
SUPRVIEW.DOC this file
* SUPR__VW.TTP "program" to call SuperView (0 bytes)
* SUPR__VW.PRG the .PRG version of SUPR__VW.TTP
CALL_SV.TTP yet another program to call SV
ACCAL_SV.ACC accessory to call SuperView
D_CALL.PRG .. .er ,another program to call SV
SET_LINE.TTP program to set new lines no
* Note that the SUPR__VW.TTP and SUPR__VW.PRG
_are_ both 0 bytes long and they should also be 0 bytes. Don't get
confused whith all these programs ,only superView is the main
NOTE! The files (SUPR__VW.TTP / SUPR__VW.PRG) may or may not
be on the disk/archive. If they aren't then run CONFIG.PRG and
select Create SUPR__VW files from the File drop-down menu. Select
a drive and these files will be created (0 bytes). These files
are however not very important and you can create them later
rather than doing that straight-away.
The only reason why they should'nt be on the disk is due to
the inability of many archivers to include 0 bytes files in their
------------------------ I m p o r t a n t ----------------------------
All these files are copyright of STectre © 1992/1993/1994.
You are not allowed to change/store or modify any of these files in
any way. Distribution is allowed through PD/BBS librares but any
other kind of commercial distribution is not allowed in any way.
STectre can also not be held responsible for any kind of damage
caused by the use of SuperView directly or indirectly. You do
everything at your own risk.
_____________________ I n s t a l l a t i o n _________________________
To install the program first copy SUPRVIEW.PRG to your AUTO
folder ,it does'nt matter where you put it just make sure that it is
there. The full program takes up around 33 K of memory and if that
leaves too little memory on your system then copy SUPR_JNR.PRG instead
of SUPRVIEW.PRG. The Junior version (SUPR_JNR.PRG) takes up only 19 K
but it does NOT include :
- No sample replaying
- No Pack-Ice support
- No Spectrum 512 picture support
- No ST Screen font support ( or switching )
- No option to resave the picture
- No (useless!) colour effects
- No Hex-Mode converting
- No text-file re-saving
If you have previously been using Turbo Qz File View then
first use the Deinstall option in QZ_DINST.PRG to deinstall DESKTOP.INF
and also remove TURBQZFV.PRG from the AUTO folder. CALL_QZ.PRG can
simply be replaced by SUPR__VW.PRG. The PATCH_QZ.PRG ( Turbo Qz v2.0+ )
is now built into SuperView ,the new calling name is SUPR__VW.
SuperView MUST always be started from the AUTO folder ,no
matter which TOS version you have or if you use an alternate Desktop.
For TOS 2+ or an alternate Desktop you must install SUPR__VW.TTP for
different files. See the section about SUPR__VW.TTP.
If your TOS version requires the Pool Fix program then do
make sure that this is also in the AUTO folder.
TOS 1.62 or below : .. .
You must also have a installed DESKTOP.INF file on the
_booting_ disk. To install DESKTOP.INF run CONFIG.PRG and select
"Install DESKTOP.INF" from the File drop down menus. Select the
DESKTOP.INF file from the file-selector which will appear and click on
OK. The program will now modify DESKTOP.INF and afterwards the
file-selector will appear once again. Again select the DESKTOP.INF
file and click on OK. The modified DESKTOP.INF file will now be
saved back to the disk.
If you use SuperBoot , X Boot etc. then it's a good
idea to install all .INF files. Once you have installed all .INF
files then select Quit and reset you ST ( make sure that you have
copied SUPRVIEW.PRG/SUPR_JNR.PRG to the AUTO folder first ).
On boot-up you'll see a short message that SuperView is
installed. Once at the GEM Desktop double-click on a file and - as
by magic SuperView will appear. ( If your ST was running in low
resolution then the ST will switch over to medium resolution for
easy reading ).
Once a full page of the text has been displayed then ( and
only then ) you'll be in key-mode, meaning that pressing keys on the
keyboard will be acknowledged by SuperView. Sometimes with
data/machine-code & with very short text-files you'll never come into
key-mode and the message E.O.F. ( End Of File .. . ) will appear.
A full description of all keys used in key-mode is given
When loading a file first the message Loading xxx.xxx will
appear and then if the file is a Pack-Ice (v2.4) file then it will be
decompacted. If the file is a picture ( NEOchrome ,Degas (Elite) and
Spectrum 512 ) file then it will now be displayed on screen.
----------------------- P a c k - I c e ----------------------------
Packed files will be decompacted but only Pack-Ice version
2.4 (2.2) is supported.
-------------------- P i c t u r e f i l e s ----------------------
Mono pictures will automatically be converted into a low res
picture for colour users and a low resolution picture will be converted
into high res for mono users. Spectrum 512 pictures should be in
uncompacted format and these pictures will only be displayed on colour
systems. There will be some problems with Spectrum 512 pics if
you have an hardware